James was a combat medic. James struggles with paranoid schizophrenia and is homeless. I met James this morning while out running errands.
Anyone who knows me knows I keep my head on a swivel - chalk it up to experience.
I stopped at my bank to make a deposit. I saw James at the south end of the parking lot with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, facing away from me. As I drove through the lot, I watched James walk in my direction. It was early, and I was at the ATM. As I began my transaction, James stood about 15 feet away from me so I could see him, waving at me and smiling.
I completed my transaction, watching everything around me, doors locked, and my hand at my console. Yet something was telling me to say hello to James. I did exactly what I tell people not to do: I grabbed the last cash I had in my wallet, a $10 bill, rolled down my passenger window, and handed it to James.
James came over to my car and hesitantly reached into my window and took the ten-dollar bill. At this point, I've broken so many safety and social rules that my Guardian Angel was probably shaking their head at me once again.
Something was different.
James had clear, brown eyes. He had a 5 o'clock shadow but otherwise had kept after his hygiene. James said, God bless you, and I began to pray for James out loud, not realizing I was holding his gloved hand! James smiled at me and said thank you for the money. I have some oranges that a lady gave me, but this will help feed me for a couple of days. I asked if he had attempted reprieve from the cold at the local shelter, but they were full. James then said he doesn't stay around that area if there are no beds because not far from there it is unsafe.

I write this for two reasons. One to highlight the stupid actions I took this morning, putting myself in danger; second, to remind you that homelessness can happen to anyone, even our Veterans.
Do not visit ATMs with little traffic outside of business hours alone to get cash or make a deposit. Dumb Idea #1
Do not stay where unknown people with unknown motives are milling around. Dumb Idea #2
Do not roll down your window, period. Dumb Idea #3
Do not dig in your wallet for cash, taking your eyes off the people you are concerned about. Dumb Idea #4
Do not hand out cash or anything from your car. Take the money you would hand someone and support a local shelter or agency that helps those experiencing homelessness. Not everyone will use the cash for your intentions. Dumb Idea #5
With that said, all I could think of was Hebrews 13:2, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”
Thanks for the blessing, James; it was nice to meet you.